
Gaining Knowledge Through Education – Marketing, Public Relations, Computer Science

Today knowledge represents a competitive edge, which is why a free training programme was implemented in this project. The programme was based on the contents of lifelong learning that promote improvement of tourist promotion, rural marketing, development of supplementary activities and contribute to the general computer literacy among adults.   Lead partner: Šentjur Adult Education Centre. Value: €46,971.81, VAT included (Leader funds: €24,118.09).  


The Dobrna Forest Learning Path

A 2km long forest learning path along the Drenovec gorge and between the Ledenica cave and the black kitchen at Šumej house was set up. It is now equipped with information boards containing presentations of various natural science topics. The path was designed to inform and raise awareness about forest as a habitat and its significance for the land and the living environment of people. The path is also an attractive supplement to the tourist offer of the Dobrna spa resort.   Lead ...


On the Road with Guzaj

In Šentjur and Dobje municipalities, the local community organises a traditional hike that includes places linked with the life of Guzaj (Guzaj is the local hero, the so-called Robin Hood of the Kozjansko region). Therefore, they decided to establish and organise a thematic path that is marked with information boards in Slovenian and English. Promotional leaflets that contribute to greater recognisability of the local environment and a presentation to a wider circle of people were printed. The ...


The Voice of Villages Echoing in Far-Off Cities

In the project a brochure was published that presents 25 farms from the entire area of the LAG and their offer. In order to increase the recognisability of the farms’ offer and enhance tourist promotion, an experts meeting was held to the topic of “The farm of opportunities and the future” and several articles were published in the local printed media and on local TV.                  Lead partner: Mavrica, Marijana Novak s.p. Value: €17,600.90, VAT included (Leader funds: ...


Hiking Trails

A 31.3km long circular hiking trail along the edges of Dobrna, named “From Miklavž to Miklavž”, was organised and marked. Its four hills (Zavrh, Vinski vrh, Aleksandrov vrh and Visoko) are equipped with small chests that contain stamps and entry books. Rest benches were placed and a map of hiking trails was made, providing accurate descriptions and enabling independent discovering of the area.   Lead partner: The Dobrna Mountaineering Society. Value: €6,655.00, VAT included (Leader ...


Adding Value to Meadow Orchards – The Domestic Apple

In order to make people aware of the importance of meadow orchards for environment conservation and of the positive effects of fruit in one’s diet, lectures were carried out along with an exhibition of old fruit varieties and a demonstration of cutting old apple trees was prepared. The event entitled “The Delicacies of Slovenian Farms” in Ptuj hosted presentations of 67 exhibitors and their fruit products. By planting high-stem saplings seven meadow orchards were revived in the LAG area and a ...


Countryside Treats Revive the “Stari Trg” Square

In order to strengthen the identity of the countryside and the recognisability of agricultural produce, a marketplace was set up in the old town centre of Slovenske Konjice. Four modern stands were set up where local produce can be sold, and a central open space for socialising was arranged where the rural and urban meet.   Lead partner: Municipality of Slovenske Konjice. Value: €98,288.60, VAT included (Leader funds: €32,480.00).  


Hunting with Camera

Hunting and hunting tourism have always been important in Dobje Municipality. There was a need to upgrade the classic hunting to hunting with camera, which is friendlier to nature and animals. Now the visitor “shoots” the beauty of flora and fauna with the camera. Two walking and learning paths were set up, two hunting lookout towers were built and two resting places along the path were set up. Paths were marked with marking panels, two information boards were set up along with boards with ...


The Vitanje Marketplace

The Vitanje Marketplace is the first successfully implemented Leader project by the LAG “From Pohorje to Bohor”. The marketplace was set up using uniform stands at which local providers and members of the Lipa Farming Wives’ Association from Vitanje present their produce. At the conclusion of the project, members of the Association prepared an opening ceremony of the marketplace together with members of the Vitanje Tourist Society, and presented a diverse programme and  tasting of home-made ...


The Little Heart’s Learning Path

A thematic learning path was set up. It runs past 13 interesting points in the area of the Zreče Local Community, leading past numerous natural and cultural sights that should be preserved and shown to the wider public. Linked into a thematic learning path these represent a learning range where you can monitor events happening in nature and develop a living culture in the environment.   Lead partner: Zreče Mountaineering Society. Value: €34,657.11, VAT included (Leader funds: ...


The Vodovnik Collection

In the project the Vodovnik Collection was put on display in the central floor of the former parson’s house in Skomarje, a settlement in the Municipality of Zreče. In addition, promotional material was made, workshops were carried out and at the conclusion of the project the Collection was opened for public with a cultural event. The organised permanent exhibition of the works written by Jurij Vodovnik, a folk singer and poet, is a major contribution to the preservation of cultural heritage, ...


Find Your Own Path

The project, which aimed to establish a supportive environment and a model of good practice to aid the youth in setting and realizing their goals, prepared a programme to support the youth. A counselling office for the youth with appropriately trained counsellors to advise the youth was established in Šentjur, and two youth research projects were carried out on the topic of developing the strategies and models of creative and successful people and successful learning styles.   Lead ...


Improve Your Local Community

This project was aimed at awakening the youthful creative potential in the rural area of the Šentjur Municipality, in individual local communities, and at enabling the youth to become actively involved in the co-creation of life in their local community – to get a sense of belonging to their hometown. Within the project a cooperation network of youth and other associations was established, 5 minor youth projects were carried out, promotional material was made and the website ...


From Rifnik to Rifnik

The Rifnik Local Community established a connection between the museum collection “The Treasures of Rifnik”, located in Zgornji trg in Šentjur, and the Rifnik Museum of Archaeology, which is located outdoors, on the Rifnik hill above Šentjur. A performance area of the Rifnik Tourist Information Office was prepared, information boards and a promotional leaflet were designed along with an integral tourist product that contributes to the development of the tourist offer and greater ...


Training the Rural Population How to Actively Use the Internet

In this project the web portal was upgraded, making it easier for the providers from the LAG area to use it. They were encouraged to use the existing portal more regularly, applying their newly acquired computer skills. Workshops were carried out, where participants learnt to use the portal and other websites and services. The portal hosts a “Repository of Ideas”, where ideas and proposals for further cooperation and development of the area are collected.   Lead ...


Local Mobile Marketplace

The goal of the project was to establish a pilot local self-sufficient supply of food in an innovative way, and to raise awareness of the population about the advantages of local self-sufficiency. In the first stage of the project the existing offer of produce was recorded, data on potential customers were obtained, and informative workshops were carried out. In the second stage a test operation of the local mobile marketplace was carried out, involving 13 providers and 20 customers from the ...


A Touch of Memory

The aim of the project was to raise awareness of the population about dementia. Therefore various lectures related to dementia were carried out: the nature of dementia, behavioural and psychological changes, means of communication to those affected, care for the preservation of mental and physical activities, and inclusion of people with dementia in active society. An illustrated brochure “Grandmother is getting weird, she forgets everything” was published, with added notes for family members ...


Castle Learning Path Žusem

A learning walking path that will educate and raise awareness will be set up. The aim of the path will be to present the natural heritage of Dobrina, Žamerk and Žusem to hikers. A particularity of the path will be so called experience playgrounds which will work by the “I see – I know, I do – I understand” principle. These playgrounds will be primarily intended for children but will also be interesting for other visitors.   Lead partner: Društvo Izviri Dobrina. Value: €38,344.00, VAT ...


The “Oplotnica Gorge” Thematic Learning Path

The Oplotnica stream used to run through over 30 sawmills and mills that served as one of the major business activities for local inhabitants. In order to contribute to the preservation of the natural area of this stream, a thematic path in the length of 1.1km was set up and marked along the stream within the project. Access points to the water, a bridge crossing the stream, resting areas with benches and an observation point on a large rock that allows the observation of the local flora and ...


Learning Paths Along Ponikva

In the area of the Ponikva community, the Stanko Buser karstic water learning path and a geographic-historic learning path were set up in total length of 14km. The paths are marked with instructive information boards thus contributing to the preservation of the existing natural and cultural heritage and providing information about the features of the local environment. A multilingual brochure was prepared that provides specific descriptions of individual points and leads visitors along both ...


The Winegrower’s Study Cellar

Within the project the room beneath the Museum of the Southern Railway (at the Šentjur railway station) was transformed into a wine cellar and a common room of the Šentjur Society of Winegrowers and the Šentjur Society of Old Timers. The “Winegrower’s Study Cellar” was set up for the purpose of educating members of both societies. The cellar was cleaned, renovated and provided with appropriate infrastructure and equipment.   Lead partner: Šentjur Society of Winegrowers. Value: ...


Using Knowledge to Make a Living

Various free training programmes from the field of autochthonous cooking, sewing, communications, foreign languages, calligraphy, conservation, herbalism and mechanical skills were carried out for the inhabitants of the LAG area, following the “listen and do-it-yourself” approach and aiming to inform and educate wider  population.   Lead partner: The Slovenske Konjice-Zreče School Centre. Value: €43,914.80, VAT included (Leader funds: €12,578.85)


Multilingual Informative-Tourist Website about Guzaj

Multilingual informative-tourist website about outlaw Guzaj ( was set up through the project. The website is available in four languages: Slovene, English, German and Italian. The website features information about Guzaj’s life, presentation of the Guzaj’s walking path “Journeying with Guzaj”, other interest facts and tourist services available in the area. Educational-creative workshops for children and adults were carried out with the theme “Getting to Know the Outlaw Guzaj”, a ...


Intertwining the Threads of Past In the Present

The purpose of this project was to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the LAG area and to pass it on to younger generations. An ethnological camp and workshops were carried out where the youth became acquainted with rich cultural heritage, traditional skills, customs, cooking, and the clothing and spiritual culture of the area. Workshops where the know-how was transferred were carried out, and a brochure was drawn up that contains narratives of different people about the life in the first ...


Learning Countryside: From Past to Present for Future

In order to promote education and lifelong learning in the countryside, numerous free-of-charge training programmes were implemented for the inhabitants of the LAG area. The topics were preservation of the countryside, searching for marketing channels at farms, environmental workshops, cooking in the past and present, communication with guests, foreign language courses, accounting, restoration, hand forging, hand and machine sewing.   Lead partner: The Slovenske Konjice-Zreče School ...


Apitherapeutical Apiary and “Bucketing” – The Natural Wellness of the Kozjansko Homestead

The existing tourist offer of the Dobje Municipality has been enriched with yet another innovative tourist product entitled “The Natural Wellness of the Kozjansko Homestead”, which allows apitherapy and “bucketing” to be performed at the Kozjansko Homestead. An apitherapeutical bee house was built in traditional style, allowing the visitors to get close to the bees, beekeeping and apicultural products. The premises at the Kozjansko Homestead are organised in a manner that allows “bucketing” ...


Renovation of the Railway Station in Zreče

At the former railway station in Zreče the platform section and the waiting room were renovated and a room with appropriate museum equipment was furnished. The shot blasting and anti-corrosion protection of the existing train set was performed and promotional material was prepared. With the implementation of all project activities the rich cultural heritage of the town was preserved and included in the existing tourist offer.   Lead partner: The Vladko Mohorič Cultural Society. ...


The Countryside Presents Itself

The central part of this project, the “Countryside presents itself” event, was carried out as a part of the “Šentjurjevo” event, which traditionally takes place in Šentjur every year in April and lasts several days. The purpose of the event was to present cattle farming, which is the most important livestock production activity in this area. Motivational workshops were carried out to the topic of milk processing and the possibility to sell fresh meat at a farm.   Lead partner: The ...


A week of Old Crafts and Customs in Dobje

In the area of the Dobje Municipality old and preserved knowledge and skills were recorded, a registry of masters of old crafts and customs was made and workshops were carried out in order to transfer the preserved skills to the younger generation.  “A week of old crafts and customs in Dobje” was carried out successfully. Later it became a traditional event lasting several days and actively involving the majority of locals.   Lead partner: The Grča Dobje Research Institute. Value: ...


It Truly is Nice in the Countryside

A multilingual brochure “Let’s go to the Farm” was published through the project (11.000 copies). There are 45 tourism farms and farms with other supplement activity from the LAG area presented in the brochure. The offer and services that farms provide was presented by various themes in the local newspaper Šentjurčan. A round table and news conference about countryside development were organised.   Lead partner: MAVRICA Intelektualne storitve, Marijana Novak, s.p. Value: €41,983.40, ...


Kneipp Countryside Parks From Pohorje To Bohor

The project aimed at promoting the use of local sources in an innovative way, by developing and promoting Kneipp active parks that provide the benefits of unspoiled nature and rich cultural heritage of the LAG area. Workshops were carried out with potential adopters of Kneipp parks, a field trip was organised in order to see an example of good practice, and model conceptual designs were prepared for the implementation of Kneipp active parks, which are available to potential investors.   ...


Informing Citizens About the Benefits of Using Biomass

Along with water energy, biomass represents the most important energy source in Slovenia and an important alternative to fossil fuels. The primary objective of the project was to inform and educate people about the significance of biomass and a responsible attitude towards the environment. Possible locations for collecting biomass in all interested local communities in the LAG area were recorded, along with possible caretakers of collection centres and possible collectors of biomass that would ...


Development of the Trademark Okusi Rogle (The Tastes of Rogla)

Na območju destinacije Rogla - Pohorje, ki zajema občine Oplotnica, Slovenske Konjice, Vitanje in Zreče, je bogata kulinarična in kulturna dediščina naših prednikov. Hrano, ki se pripravlja na sodoben način po kvalitetnih recepturah naših babic ter pripadajoče prireditve, bo skupaj z ostalimi kulinaričnimi in kulturnimi ponudniki, združena v prepoznavno blagovno znamko »Okusi Rogle«. Na omenjenem območju je izražena potreba po tovrstnem projektu, saj bodo povezani lokalni pridelovalci hrane, ...


A Living Museum at the Konjice Castle – Summer 2010

In the summer months of 2010, members of the cultural societies “The Knights of Count Tattenbach” and “The Knights of the White Wolf” carried out medieval seminars, workshops and other events with medieval content at the Konjice Castle. The primary objective of the activities performed was to inform visitors about the lifestyle led in this period of history, to revive the Konjice Castle and contribute to the revival of this abandoned cultural and historical heritage.   Lead partner: The ...


Sports Park – Playground

In Slivnica, a town located in the Municipality of Šentjur, the locals began to carry out activities in order to establish a space for socialising, animation and recreation of children and the youth. For this purpose they carried out everything that was required in order to build a sports playground that is also equipped with a bathroom facility. An access road and the surroundings of the playground were set up as well as a children’s park.   Lead partner: The Slivnica Society of Sports ...


Preservation of Ethnologic Artefacts

In order to promote a proper attitude towards cultural heritage in the LAG area, a training course was implemented where participants could acquire basic restoration skills. Ethnological artefacts were recorded and collected in order to carry out a restoration workshop. Restored items were included in a permanent exhibition collection that can be seen at the Manor in Oplotnica. Pictures from the workshops and restored items can be seen at the website of Lead partner.   Lead partner: ...


Mines, Coalmines and Quarries in the Dravinja Valley – a Monograph

In the past coalmining (and mining before that) was the leading economic activity in the Dravinja valley that contributed to the development of this area. The mining industry, along with quarrying, contributed to the establishment of the Poljčane – Slovenske Konjice – Zreče railway track, which no longer operates. Due to the vitality of these industries and the preservation of this heritage, a monograph was issued that contains a comprehensive overview of the data still preserved on mining, ...


Daily Routines and Holidays of Skomarje Inhabitants

Basement premises of the parson’s house in Skomarje were renovated in order to present the lifestyle of the locals called “Pohorci” and their existing offer. The culinary features of the area of “Zreško Pohorje”, the area of Pohorje hills ascending above the town of Zreče, were presented along with already forgotten crafts, customs and traditions (an example of collecting ant eggs). These basement rooms represent a contextual supplement of the upper part of the parson’s house containing the ...

